Associated Chicago Pneumatic Fittings

The usage of Chicago Pneumatic flow controls will do much to lessen the speed impact and stroke time variations but they can’t make sure that your cylinder stroke and timing will be considered always, as the air that they are limiting will compress as it is being limited, resulting in changing stroke speed and time. These changes will be less if no flow controls were used, but if you require truly consistent cylinder operation, then you have to consider alternates. Make sure to loosen the fast couplings on your heater housing and on your pumps. Also, you should also loosen any other drainage valves that might be on the equipment. This will enable any other water to drain from the system. Many people like to put antifreeze in the lines during the winter. This is not a bad idea, but it is not truly necessary if you can get all the water out of the lines. You can also use an Ingersoll Rand if you want. The only thing left to do is to replace the spa cover, and close y...